At its peak, London had 3 or 4 active gay bars and 2 lesbian bars and the strip of King from Clarence to Richmond used to be jokingly called Church/Wellesley south. Than again, this was also when London was in its heyday economically and was the most vibrant economy in SW Ontario outside of Toronto. I'm in my mid-40s and I was actively involved in London's LGBTQ community in the 90s and early 00s, Some people may not be aware but during the 80s and 90s, London was kind of a hub for the gay community covering SW Ontario from Kitchener/Waterloo down to Windsor. Also part of it coincides with some of the decline in London in general with younger people moving to Toronto or other cities where the job prospects and pay are better. Part of that is because of greater social acceptance and LGBTQ people have increasingly mixed into to mainstream culture. I was born and raised in London in and my feeling is that the community has become thinner on the ground over the past 20 years.